By Kathy Mezzel
Rating: G
Series: TOS
Pairing: S/Mc
Disclaimer: The characters belong to paramount,
but the poem belongs to me.
The five year mission had ended,
the crew had said their goodbyes;
It was then that Spock walked up to me,
An inscrutable look in his eyes.
I had given him a journal
of feelings I tried to hide;
All the feelings I had for him
that I couldn't keep inside.
We looked
at each other in silence,
there was no need
to talk;
He nodded toward the bridge's door
then we began to walk.
We went to the observation deck
we stood and gazed into space;
suddenly, he embraced me--
and my heart began to race.
We stood like that for a moment,
though it seemed like eternity;
I knew that every detail
would be etched in my memory.
Spock had given me his friendship,
his advice and his loyalty;
Now, in farewell, he had given
his heart
(the one where his liver should be).