Title: TOS Top 11 - Lent Author: Artemis, ArtemisOK@aol.comSeries: TOS Pairings: None Rating: PG Summary: A little suffering is good for the soul Disclaimer:
CBS Paramount owns Star Trek. No infringement intended, no money being made. Acknowledgment: No beta, all mistakes are
my own. Archive: My place and The Spock/McCoyote's Den
TOS Top 11 Lent
11. Chekov - Watching Uhura with
this little mirror I stuck on my console 10. Sulu - Pulling loop-de-loops with the Enterprise 9. Uhura - Thongs 8.
Scott - Neeps (You just can't get good mashed turnips in space) 7. McCoy - Weekly exams for alien crew members 6. Rand
- Over processed hair-dos (I can hold out for 40 days, yeah, sure) 5. Chapel - Making puns with M'Benga's name 4.
Spock - Weekly use of depilatory prior to medical exam 3. Riley - Warm Milk 2. M'Benga - Laughing at Chapel's puns 1.
Kirk - Thongs