Perhaps one of the ideas on this page will provide inspiration for future submissions to the
e-zine. They're things that the editor would like to see, a wishlist, if you will. If you have suggestions for what you'd
like to see, simply send the editor an email to be included in the next issue.
Spiced Peaches XXIII has a theme: Endings and Beginnings.
This is up to interpretation, but common interpretations include death, death and rebirth (as
is our common S/Mc story arc), weddings, new missions, new relationships, end of missions, birth of children, new careers,
meetings, partings, and aging.
Stories and poetry:
- Death
- Rebirth
- Amnesia
- Cross-overs (I will award bonus points for X-Men)
- New missions
- Illnesses
- Anything set at the beginning of TOS
- Anything set at the end of TOS/TAS
- Anything set during or soon after Star Trek: The Motion Picture
- Anything set during or soon after the Star Trek II-III-IV story arc
- Anything set during or soon after Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
- The entire Star Trek XI (AOS) universe is fertile ground.
- See the above list
- Also wedding pictures
- Time travel
- Anything inspired by a song
Episodes (or movies) to look to for inspiration:
- The Man Trap
- Where No Man Has Gone Before (and that early era)
- Balance of Terror
- Journey to Babel
- All Our Yesterdays
- The Menagerie/The Cage
- The Deadly Years
- The Empath
- Friday's Child
- Star Trek: The Motion Picture
- Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
- Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan/Star Trek III: The Search for Spock/Star Trek IV: The Voyage
- Star Trek XI