The Spock/McCoyote's Den is a five-year work in progress. By December 15, 2006, which will be the Den's
Five Year anniversary, we hope to have accomplished a few goals.
1. Reach 600 stories on the Den.
2. Reach 100 pictures on the art page
3. Have the link list updated so as to potentially reach every source of S/Mc online
We have other goals unrelated to the anniversary of the Den (and Spock/McCoy Haven, which is three weeks
later). Those goals are:
1. Increase bandwith
2. Once bandwith is increased, bring back screencaps
3. More challenges for the challenge page!
4. Weekly checks of links to make sure everything can be found at all times.
5. Experiment with the color scheme.
6. Anything else Coyotes would like to see!