A Basic Page of My Stories
Here resides some of K.V. Wylie's stories, including Spock/McCoy. Hopefully she will add more as time goes
Acidqueen's Site for Fanfiction
Here resides Acidqueen's S/Mc stories, as well as her other Star Trek stories and link lists.
Ainzfern Slash Fiction
Praise the Great Bird! Ainzfern has her own site! My linking problems are solved! I mean...er...well, this
is Ainzfern's site and has all of her stories, all of them, mostly G/B, but it also has her Bonded Souls Series, all of them!!!
Amphioxous Obnoxious's Spock/McCoy Page
It delivers what it promises. A few stories, all S/Mc, can by found here, written by the strange and mysterious,
and very pokable, Amphioxous Obnoxious, hell of a name, that.
Angie's Den of Fan-Fiction and Smut
Here you will find most of Angie Tallahassee's fanfiction.
ASC Archive
The largest archive of Star Trek fanfiction on the Internet. You can find a lot of S/Mc stories here.
Bajor's Wings
This is where you can find all of Jazz Man's S/Mc stories along with her other fanfiction.
Cait's Endless Trek
Here are all of Cait's stories, not a lot of S/Mc, but there is a little, and the stories are quite good.
Carnall Enterprises, UnLtd
Here you'll find all of Jane Carnall's absolutely wonderful fiction. Most of it was previously published
in zines, some of it's new and only found online. She has a very healthy number of S/Mc and McCoy stories in general, with
some assorted Spock stories, in the TOS fandom, as well as others.
Cheyenne Dancer's Desert Bordello
Here you can find all of Cheyenne Dancer's fanfiction.
The Cub's Side of the Mountain
Also known as the All-Ages Spock/McCoy Online Archive. Stories, poems, and pictures, all rated G through
PG-13. Fun, fun, fun for everyone!
Djinn's Lair
Djinn doesn't write a lot of S/Mc, but she has written one and since she seems to like writing Kirk with
Chapel, I figure I might be able to weedle another one out of her.
Drawings By Mina
Mina is an artist. She draws a great number of Star Trek pictures, some of which are S/Mc. She has quite
a few featured on the story page, actually.
Drusilla Dax's Third Haven
Here you can find all of Drusilla Dax's S/Mc stories, as well as her many other stories in
different fandoms.
The Echosphere
Echosphere is a coyote who makes hilarious Star Trek inspirational posters and icons for all moods. You
can also find her U2 fandom here.
The Fishy Ground
This is a collection of all of T'Bitch's slash stories, S/Mc as well as other fandoms.
Karmen Ghia's Stories
Herein you'll find Karmen Ghia's epic S/Mc slash story "After the Rescue," as well as all of her other slash
Lady Angel's Den of Debauchery
This is Angel's site. She writes in many fandoms, Star Wars being her first love. But with my magic touch,
and persuasive (read, threatening) language, she has begun to write S/Mc. BWA HA HA HA HA! I win again, my evil genius.
Loonywoif's Woods
This is Loonywoif's home. There is a lot of fanfiction here, even though there is only one S/Mc story. She
is also responsible for my TOS Missing Scene Project, so check out her Enterprise Missing Scene Series to see where I got
my ideas.
Lyra's Variations
Here you can find all of Lyrastar's stories, which include K/S, K/Mc, S/Mc, and K/S/Mc combinations. There's
also Holmes/Watson and an extensive linklist.
Marcee's Millennial Mansion
If you enter this site, beware, you may find yourelf loving Chekov stories. Herein one can find all of Marcee's
stories, which happen to be mostly Chekov-oriented, but her S/Mc is hot!
The Mint Julep Inn
This is the Leonard McCoy Story Directory and Archive. Every story has McCoy in it. It is dedicated to the
good doctor ergo, the stories include him. Many of them are S/Mc.
Nautika's Star Trek Fiction
Herein you will find all of the stories penned by Nautika.
Nemo the Everbeing's Fanfiction
Herein you'll find all of the S/Mc stories penned by Nemo the Everbeing. Brought to you by fanfiction.net
Nikita's Fanfic
This is the home of Nikita and all of her fanfiction.
The Pon Farr Online Festival
This is exactly what is sounds like. A fest devoted entirely to the Vulcan ailment of pon farr. Now if this
can't inspire S/Mc stories, I give up.
The Scarlet Zone
Here you will find the rest of Scarlet's fanfiction.
Slash Go Round: The Seven Year Itch
This is an ongoing Round Robin on the Slash Go Round site. As of now, Spock is in pon farr, he is in McCoy's
quarters trying to create a link, and McCoy is resisting, but trapped. I urge you all to contribute a portion to make this
as slashy as possible.
Slash With Zest
All of K'Chap's stories can be found here. She mostly writes Wild Wild West and K/S or K/S/Mc stories, but
she's working on an S/Mc right now that'll be to die for, trust me.
The Society for Slash Diversity and the Committee of Chekov Obsessives Comparing Historical and New Narratives in Ensign Literature
Okay, so this is mainly a Chekov site, I know. But there are also some nice S/Mc stories located here.
Sorlak's Realm
This is Sorlak's personal website. Here can be found her stories, mostly S/Mc, and her picutres, all S/Mc
thus far.
Spiced Peaches
The first, ever, S/Mc zine, in online e-zine form. That's right, an e-zine dedicated solely to S/Mc. The
first issue was publsihed on April 1, 2005, and the next one is slated to be published around the time of July 1, 2005. Contributions
are always welcome.
Spock/McCoy Haven
This is the official website of the S/Mc Yahoo group Fest: Spock/McCoy Haven. All stories submitted for
the waves can be found here.
Subscribe to Spock/McCoy Haven
This is the yahoo group I created that is dedicated to S/Mc. Here you will find a lot of Coyotes who love
this pairing and a lot of really good stories involving these two men. The First Wave is done. The Second Wave is done. The
Third Wave is done. The Fourth Wave is done. The Fifth Wave is done. The Sixth Wave is done. The Seventh Wave is done. The
Eighth Wave is done. The Ninth Wave is done. The Tenth Wave is done. The Eleventh Wave is due 0502.14. The rules
are few and simple: No Kirk, no pity sex, must be about S/Mc, and writing is not mandatory.
Star Trek Parodies
These may well be the most hilarious episode parodies ever made. Screen caps with dialogue and commentary
text beneath. Plenty of slashy and sexual implications, even some S/Mc. And the non-S/Mc Spock and McCoy interactions are
plenty weird. (See scene in Operation Annihilate!)
The Stories of Kelthammer
Here you can find many of Kelthammer's (Read: Marcy's) stories. These are mostly het and gen, but don't
worry, I've got the slash ones linked up just fine. Go read! Her stuff is more professional than pro-novels.
Submit Your Slash
This site is a place where slashers can post their stories. And its S/Mc index has become my personal archive,
because nobody else posts there, except me. So you can find my stories there. And if you want to post your S/Mc stories there,
please do.
Suicide Telegrams
All of SarahMc's stories can be found here. She writes in a number of different fandoms, but she's a big
S/Mc fan, so it's all good.
Sweet Sorcery
This is Deanna's website, where you can find her Star Trek slash stories, as well as her stories in many
other fandoms.
Tempest's Caves
A site dedicated to my own works of fiction. There's nothing too fancy, but the caves themselves are beautifully
T'Lin's Fanfic Page
Here, you will find the all of T'Lin's fanfiction, including the rest of the Early Trek Series.
Farfalla from K/S started this up and made me a co-moderator. It's a list for All-Ages TOS slash. With me
there, it ensures that there will be plenty of S/Mc. So, if this interests you, please check it out and join.
Don't worry, Spock/McCoy Haven's still working fine.
The TOS Stories of Ster Julie
Here you can find all of Ster Julie's many TOS stories, S/Mc, gen, and other pairings.
The TOS Twins and Friends
Here live Lady Charena and T'Len, and all of their wonderful stories. And now there is S/Mc in addition
to the K/S.
T'Sihek's Story World
Here you can find all of T'Sihek's fanfiction, S/Mc, and otherwise.
T'Thrill's Den of Trek Delight
Here, dwells all of T'Thrill's S/Mc stories, as well as all of her other TOS fanfiction.
Venus Kaio
This is Venus Kaio's website, where you can find her S/Mc vids, as well as vids for other pairings and fandoms,
her great variety of artwork, and other wonderful fan material.
Vulcan Shadows
A site dedicated to the dark side of Vulcans. It can be an interesting premise to try to apply to S/Mc.
And fun, too.
World as I Know Them
All of Lizbeth's stories can be found here. She writes mostly in other fandoms, but her stuff is really
great. Read around.