Not art, you say? Let us all just remember that art imitates life, and
life imitates art.
See what a great couple they make? Who can deny that these men love each
other so very much? Come on, they're so happy together. Look, Spock is smiling. How often does that happen? He obviously enjoys
having his arm around McCoy. And McCoy definitely likes being in close contact with Spock. Ergo, they are lovers.

This is just an amazing collaberation of Spock and McCoy photos. How
many episodes can you spot where the two get up close and personal?

This picture is courtesy of Spork the Magic Vulcan. She drew it and allowed
me to post it here on my site. The picture is her property. Now, this picture is self-explanatory, don't you think? Is there
any possible confusion as to what these two are doing?

This picture is courtesy of K-bar. She drew it and allowed me to post
it here on my site. The picture is her property. This picture is taken from "The Return of the Archons," and is meant to inspire
a S/Mc story.

This is a brand new picture sent to me as a gift from a Coyote named
Aki. She created it, because she loves the Spock/McCoyote's Den so very much. I'm putting it up here so we can all see it.

This picture was drawn by Kaz, a very talented Trek artist. And I was given
permission to post this to the Den. I think the picture is self-explanatory, so I hope you all enjoy.

This is another picture, drawn by Aki. She sent me this specifically
so that I can post this on my site, and I feel there is a very good story explaining it. A picture is worth a thousand words.

This is another drawing by Kaz. It is a different take, and slightly
more explicit than, the one by her above it. Again, this picture is self-explanatory.

This is yet another picture made for me by Aki. I think this is pretty
self-explanatory as well, although you wonder just where they are that they are trying that.

Here's a picture Caz made specially for me, it's symbolic of pon farr.
You can tell by the hungry look in their faces.

This is what is called a Chibi drawing. It was done by request by Mina
who likes drawing such things. She gave it to me to put here. Isn't it nice?

Another wonderful picture by Aki. Spock is a little too patient, considering
what having an inebriated human can be like. But McCoy can be sexy when drunk.

Another picture by the lovely and talented Caz. Here are the boys dancing.
Don't they look like they just belong in each other's arms?

Somebody I knew once said to me "The most tender touch between two people
is the cupping of the back of the neck." Naturally, I said "What the hell do you know?" But looking at this picture, I believe
I now understand.

This is a drawing by Karracaz. It's Spock and McCoy side by side in that
famous screen shot from "The City on the Edge of Forever" and if I didn't know better, I'd think it was the actual screen

Another drawing by Karracaz. This time, it's a picture of the forced
mind meld, or the moment right before said mind meld, from "Mirror, Mirror." This is one of my favorite Star Trek scenes...I
wonder if that makes me a sick person.

This picture is courtesy of Em. She drew it and allowed me to post it
here on my site. The picture is her property. This picture was taken from a screen cap found on the photo section of the site
and I do believe it looks great.

Another wonderful illustration by Aki. This serves as a reminder that
no matter how much they love each other, sometimes, the boys argue.

This is another of Mina's wonderful Chibi drawings. It has all the essence
of the Spock/McCoy relationship: McCoy, Spock, togetherness and peaches.

This is another picture, drawn by Aki. A promise made between them and
a love sprung forth. It just makes the insides of a coyote melt with tenderness.

This is another picture, drawn by Aki. The nice thing about S/Mc is not
only are they lovers, but they're also friends, very, very close friends.

Mina drew this for the 2003 Slash Advent Calendar. As soon as I knew
about it, I requested permission to put it here. She agreed. Look, the boys are dancing, and they're so happy to be doing
it, too.

Another chibi drawing from Mina, based on the famous painting "American
Gothic." Strangely enough, I can picture them living on a farm together.

This is another picture, drawn by Aki. It was inspired by my Halloween
story from a few years back and I must say that she did a fantastic job.

This picture was drawn by Sorlak who gave me permission to put it on
this site. To clarify what this picture is, it's Spock and McCoy making love. Aren't they lovely?

I'd asked Sorlak to draw me a picture of McCoy helping Spock
walk after he blinded him in Operation: Annihilate! here it is. Spock's strangely calm, as though he's at peace
knowing his beloved will care for him.

Another great picture from Sorlak. I'm sure you can tell what's happening,
but let me explain why. One day, I was asked what they like to do more than anything else, and I said sex in the shower.
And then, a few days later...voila!

This is a drawing by Kathy Mezzel. She drew this picture and gave me
permission to post it on the Den.She's extremely talented and is part of my plan to increase the amount of Spock/McCoy art
drastically. This one's very sweet, because the boys are hugging and more importantly, very happy.

This is another drawing by Kathy Mezzel. This one is a little more curious,
but somehow very intimate. The boys are looking at a sea shell and I think it could work very well to inspire a nice story.

This picture is courtesy of Nightshade Pheonix (dark_pheonix7@hotmail.com). She does artwork on livejournal and gave me permission to post it to
this site. This picture is very emotional in nature. It's the scene of Spock giving McCoy the nerve pinch before leaving him
his katra. The inspiration here is immense.

This picture is courtesy of Nightshade Pheonix (dark_pheonix7@hotmail.com). She does artwork on livejournal and gave me permission
to post it to this site. This picture is an hilarious take on the first of many shuttle scenes in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
and as absurd as it is, it's somewhat believable.

This picture is property of Acidqueen and she allowed me to post it on
this website. A picture made by Acidqueen for Lyrastar's request of men in pajamas. Manipulated from the jail scene in
"Bread and Circuses."

Another picture made by Acidqueen. This one is a manipulation so that
Spock and McCoy are doing what we coyotes have long awaited: kissing on the bridge.

Yet another creation made by Acidqueen. This one is a manipulation of
the bed scene in "All Our Yesterdays" in this picture, it's implied that Spock's turning his passions towards McCoy (as he
should have) rather than Zarabeth.

By far the naughtiest picture from Acidqueen yet. Manipulated from a
picture of McCoy leaning over Spock while looking at a viewscreen, they're now in Spock's quarters getting ready for some
rather...self-explanatory intimacy.

Another pictures made by Acidqueen. Boy is she busy.
This one's special because although it's S/Mc, and during or directly
after The Motion Picture, it also has the deep undertones of the friendship between the Trinity, which is made apparent by
the shadow of Kirk behind them,

This pictures was the Front Cover Artwork for Spiced Peaches Issue One.
A caption job done by Artemis, who gave me permission to post this picture
here. She's having a bit of fun with the fact that I have Spock and McCoy chained to the wall in my caves. But...I think they
like it here.

This picture was drawn by Nemo, the Everbeing for Spiced
Peaches Issue One. And she gave me permission to post it here.
Nemo had wanted to draw a picture and didn't know what to do, so I suggested a Mirror
Universe picture. This is her take on the Mirror Universe, an exceedinly dark, dark, dark take but it's wonderful.
It's called "The Best Damned Assassin in the Fleet" and surprisingly,
it's not Spock, but the man sleeping with Spock. It's nice to see that despite how cruel and amoral they all are in the MU,
that Spock/McCoy still exists.

Yet another wonderful picture from Sorlak.
Drawn for Spiced Peaches Issue One.
Spock and McCoy, as two sides of the same coin. Need I say more?

And another picture
that Sorlak drew for Spiced Peaches Issue One.
Sorlak calls this "logical bliss" I call it "getting lucky." Regardless,
Spock and McCoy are doing what they do best, and it's not arguing.

Another picture made by Acidqueen. Made
for Spiced Peaches Issue One.
This one is a manipulation called "Caring" in which McCoy does just that,
tending to Spock's needs when he's hurting.

A new drawing by Kathy Mezzel. Drawn
for Spiced Peaches Issue One.
This is a gorgeous picture in which the boys engage in a little bit of
tender touching, in what little free time Starfleet life affords them.

Another picture Kathy Mezzel drew for Spiced Peaches Issue One.
Spock and McCoy have an old-fashioned Valentine's Day exchange, and you
can just bet that it was sweet and loving.

Another picture made by Acidqueen for Spiced Peaches Issue One.
This one is a manipulation called "Getting Closer" which is manipulated
from the cave scene in "By Any Other Name." That's a slashy episode already, and now it's even slashier.

Even more pictures by Sorlak.
And this one is really hot, to boot. Named, perceptively, "Cuddling"
the picture is entirely self-explanatory. Is it just me, or is black and white naked cuddling really sexy?

Another picture by
Sorlak. This one is made as part of an illustrated series for her Series in Progress about Spock and McCoy being given a child
by a race who believed they were an item. And then they became one. Some of the other pictures will come to this site, others
won't, depending on content. This one, however, is just a great "before" shot of the family, sort of like the first sonogram
being held by the parents. The baby (yet to be born) is in the tube they're holding.

A picture by Artemis for Spiced Peaches Issue Two.
This photo manipulation bridges Star Trek TOS with Star Trek TNG, in
the form of the infamous mind meld between Spock and Picard. We can see here that Spock's thoughts are with Len. Picture titled
"Picard Mind Meld."

Another picture by Artemis for Spiced Peaches Issue Two.
This caption picture, entitled "Turbolift Problem," works off the old
concept of stuck in an elevator. Whatever shall the boys do to pass the time until the lift is fixed?

Another picture by Artemis for Spiced Peaches Issue Two.
This picture is sketched by Artemis, entitled "A Study in Black and White."
It takes a famous scene of Spock/McCoy interaction, from Plato's Stepchildren, as they consider their options. It appears
to be etched in marble, most appropriate, considering the episode.

A picture by VenusKaio for Spiced Peaches
VenusKaio makes her artwork debut with "Kiss," a gorgeous, and realistic
photo manipulation where Spock and McCoy do what they're always longing to do while on the bridge. I consider this one of
the most arousing pictures I've seen yet.

A picture made by Acidqueen for Spiced Peaches Issue
This one was hand-drawn by Acidqueen, and entitled "Mirror Kiss I." It's
a gorgeous black and white of our two boys kissing hot and heavy.

Another picture made by Acidqueen for Spiced Peaches
Issue Two.
This is a differently shaded sketched variation of the above picture,
and is entitled "Mirror Kiss II" for obvious reasons.

This picture was the Front Cover artwork for Spiced Peaches Issue
Acidqueen did this by special request. Since Issue III was the holiday
issue, I'd asked for Spock/McCoy in a Christmas Theme. So, she made a jolly Santa Claus and his dower elf.

A picture by Tempest for Spiced Peaches Three.
Taken from the idea of confession post cards, McCoy has a thought about
being snowbound on Christmas with Spock. Entitled "Christmas Confession."

Another picture by Tempest for Spiced Peaches Three.
Entitled "Trick or Treat." Stuck inside a prison cell on Halloween, McCoy
explains the difference between his point of view, and Spock's.

Another picture by Tempest for Spiced Peaches Three.
Entitled "New Year's Resolutions." On New Year's Eve, McCoy toasts to
Spock, and goes through all of his resolutions for the next year.

Another picture made by Acidqueen for Spiced Peaches
Issue Three.
This is a manipulation of the cover art to make the effect of a very
old setting for a Christmas card, entitled "Old Card I."

Another picture made by Acidqueen for Spiced Peaches
Issue Three.
This is a variation of the above manipulation entitled "Old Card
II." It gives a slightly different Christmas card effect. Seasons Greetings!

A picture by Artemis for Spiced Peaches Three.
This captioned photo manipulation is entitled "Happy Birthday Leonard
Nimoy," and it blurs the lines between character and actor, as Nimoy is evidently in a relationship with McCoy.

A picture by Artemis for Spiced Peaches Four
This photo manipulation is entitled "Day Dream." And the picture is self-explanatory.
When the days in sickbay lulls, Len's thoughts wander to his Vulcan lover.

A picture by VenusKaio for Spiced Peaches
This manipulation, entitled "Love/Hate," puts the Spock/McCoy relationship
into perspective, showing the two sides of the coin of their emotions.

This picture was the Front Cover artwork for Spiced
Peaches Four.
VenusKaio takes the foreground for a wallpaper design she had, coloring
the boys an earthy tone and putting them in their natural argument positions. They do look at home.

Another picture by VenusKaio for Spiced Peaches
This is a wallpaper design that takes the above picture and applies it
to make a delightful Spock/McCoy-theme for the computer.

Another picture by VenusKaio for Spiced Peaches Four.
Entitled "Unity," this two-panel Spock/McCoy drawing shows us the more
peaceful aspects of the S/Mc relationship. The boys are friends, and lovers, and can find happiness in all aspects of their
time together.

A picture by Tempest for Spiced Peaches Four.
Entitled "BDSM," this captioned picture has McCoy explain to a well-meaning
Spock about the mechanics of BDSM.

Another picture by Tempest for Spiced Peaches Four.
Entitled "I Can't Help Myself," this caption picture has McCoy confessing
to a not-so-secret habit.

Another picture by Tempest for Spiced Peaches Four.
Entitled "Camping," this picture goes back to the tradition of confession
cards, with McCoy explaining just why he made his famous slashy line in Star Trek V.

A picture poem by Nautika for Spiced
Peaches Five.
"Attraction," is a picture poem, a poem written by Nautika imprinted
onto a S/Mc picture for additiona slashiness. Her words can speak for themselves.

A picture by Tempest for Spiced Peaches Five.
Entitled "Kiss," I do a bit of self-insertion into the picture, while
making it follow the pattern of a kid's television show. One of the coyote cubs asks me what we've all been wondering.

Another picture poem by Nautika for Spiced
Peaches Five.
"One Soul," is a picture poem, a poem written by Nautika imprinted onto
a S/Mc picture for additiona slashiness. Her words can speak for themselves.

A picture by Artemis for Spiced Peaches Five.
This picture, starring the animated counterparts of Spock and McCoy,
is entitled "Oz," because it takes places in that merry old land. Spock, for aesthetic reasons, doesn't enjoy Oz the same
way that McCoy does.

Another picture by Tempest for Spiced Peaches Five.
Entitled "Defying Order," this picture has McCoy objecting to Spock's
flagrant abuse of power. And although it is somewhat unorthodox, who among us can say we wouldn't have done the same thing?

A picture by Scap3goat for Spiced Peaches
Scap3goat makes her artwork debut with her "Shore Leave," a fantastic
drawing, which she then colorized, of just how Spock and McCoy chose to spend their time on the shore leave planet. If only
the episode had contained this scene.

This picture was the Front Cover artwork for Spiced Peaches Issue Five.
Acidqueen did this one as her first experiment with comic art. It looks
absolutely gorgeous, and reminds me of the comics from the Golden Age, back in the nineteen forties.

Another picture by Acidqueen for Spiced Peaches V.
This was her second experiment with comic art, this time using both characters
for a round of light-hearted dialogue, set in sequence of "The Trouble with Tribbles." The picture is appropriately titled
"Coyote Comics #2"

Another picture by Artemis for Spiced Peaches Five.
This captioned picture entitled "Toupee" takes a nice potshot at Captain
Kirk, all in good fun of course, when it calls attention to his hair(piece).

A picture by VenusKaio for Spiced Peaches Five.
Entitled "Kiss," this drawing of the boys has them doing what they do
best, putting their mouths to use beyond arguing. Very cute.

A picture by Jessica for Spiced Peaches Five.
Jessica makes her artwork debut with her "Engagement Picture," a hand-drawn
and colored picture of Spock and McCoy, looking as happy as ever.

Another picture by VenusKaio for Spiced Peaches Five.
In her drawing, appropriately titled "Spock/McCoy Sauna," Spock and Len
enjoy a peaceful time at the sauna, and if they're anything like the bathouses of the 20th century, the towels will come off,
and things will get a whole lot steamier.

This picture was the Front Cover artwork for Spiced Peaches Issue
Acidqueen did this one as a continuing part of her work with comic artwork.
Taken from one of the most touching scenes in TOS, it's approrpiately called "Moment of Truth."

Another picture by VenusKaio for Spiced Peaches Six.
In this captioned picture, called "Nervous," McCoy's trying very hard
to get something out to Spock...but it's not as easy as he'd hoped.

A picture by VenusKaio for Spiced Peaches Six.
In her manipulation entitled "Holidays," it becomes apparent that
Spock hasn't been entirely honest with his family about his relationship with McCoy. And McCoy's not too happy about it.

Another picture by VenusKaio for Spiced Peaches Six.
In this manipulation, entitled "Swim Trunks," Spock and McCoy find themselves
on the beach. Spock's memory lapse may momentarily bother McCoy, but in the end, they'll both be happier.

A picture by Artemis for Spiced Peaches Issue Six.
This captioned picture, appropriately titled "Silent Treatment," takes
what is a very sad scene from Return of the Archons and makes it amusing. What if McCoy's behavior in that episode had been
the result of a fight he'd had earlier with Spock?

Another picture by Acidqueen for Spiced Peaches Six.
I really enjoy this manipulation, called "Alien Cab", because it brings
the possibilities of Star Trek a little closer to home, by bridging science fiction and reality, and the actors with the characters.

Another picture by Acidqueen for Spiced Peaches Six.
This is a really intriguing picture, entitled "Kiss." The art medium
used her is ambiguous. It appears to be an oil painting, but the figures look as though they were based on action figures.

A picture by Artemis for Spiced Peaches Issue Six.
This manipulation is a particular favorite, entitled "Peer in the
Night." Spawned by a discussion of the film "Fear in the Night" from 1947, starring DeForest Kelley. The thought by many was
that the movie would have been so much better if Spock had been there. Artemis proves it to be so.

A picture by Mary-Jane Doe for Spiced Peaches Issue Six
Mary-Jane Doe makes her S/Mc artwork premier with this gorgeous picture
of Spock and McCoy as space cowboys. Further, she receives bonus points for doing a picture based on the editor's wishlist.

A picture by Tempest for Spiced Peaches Issue Six.
Entitled "Lecture," this picture follows a similar premise to the confession
cards. It's a stream of consciousness on McCoy's part with an implicit confession of love for our favorite Vulcan.

Another picture by Tempest for Spiced Peaches Six.
Entitled "Neve Pinch," this picture goes takes a serious scene and makes
it humorous. Spock was always so confident in the series that humans couldn't master the nerve pinch. McCoy loves a challenge.

A picture made by Artemis as a tribute to K.V. Wylie's story "The Realm
of You." Spock and McCoy spend some quality time together at Woodstock.

Why do Spock and McCoy argue so much? Put this poster up and show your
Spock/McCoyote pride!

Another picture by VenusKaio. This ties into the concept of Artemis'
story "Go Interrupted," in game-theme. Go represents McCoy and Spock's relationship, chess Kirk and Spock's friendship. And
Kirk's a little surprised to see he's been replaced...

Yet another picture by VenusKaio. Whenever I look at this one, all I
can think is "Are you trying to seduce me, Mr. Spock?"

A funny picture by VenusKaio. She based this off public service announcements
about the use of condoms. And now Star Trek has one too.

A lovely picture by Artemis. A look into the future of Spock and McCoy's
home life, and what their love could lead to.